
Showing posts from March, 2019

Current treatment plan

I'm going to attempt to manage my own treatment for the time being. Who knows me better after all? Perhaps someday I will miraculously have the funds to hire a ADD coach. 👍 Meds: 30 mg Adderall XR daily 300 mg Wellbutrin XR daily 60 mg Prozac daily High potency vitamin D once a week Diet: Reduced daily sugar intake (including those sugary coffee drinks!) Reduced daily caffeine intake (no more than 1 coffee and 2 black teas) 8 glasses of water daily Therapies: CBT (daily practice) Daily gratitude journaling 5 minutes of mindfullness meditation daily (I'll be increasing this as time passes) 15 minutes of aerobics 3 days a week

Holy fuck.

Seriously, it's been a year and a half since Ive added anything to this blog? I guess I can't be too surprised but time has been extremely limited since my last post. The last year and a half has been the hottest of messes.  A failed relationship (with a married supervisor, no less), a hit and run in the school parking lot, the loss of 3 cats, falling behind on school work to the point that I probably wont be graduating until Winter rather than in May, and then finding the love of my life in a completely unexpected way at a point where I was ready to give up has been a time of tremendous change and growth. I think the most important change is that I have accepted having ADD, depression, and anxiety.  I have never fully trusted the bipolar disorder diagnosis. I was diagnosed with ADD at age 7 and I've spent the past 20 years denying it. My mind has a million stories to tell me about why I was essentially failing at life: "I'm stupid and lazy&quo